Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Devil May Cry

Hello, since watching violent shows and playing video games with much blood and gore are my most favorite things to do. I am going to talk about my beloved anime show that made me love my hobbies even more. You want to know the name? Devil May Cry... If you want to know what this show is about, then I'll tell you. It's about a man named Dante who who sets out to kill dangerous demons to prevent the world from going through monstrous disasters. Having an evil twin brother, Vergil, his own ambition is to connect the human world to the demon world. That must be tiring! I don't what other people will think of it, but I know that those who love to battle and like gothic diplays of angelic and demonic mythology, then they will love it.

Having guns and a huge sword carried around all the time is awesome to do! I would really want to save the world using those even though it would seem like a pain. If my life were like this game, it would never end! Though there would be game overs... So I hope you enjoyed what you've read so far, because it took me a while to finish.


luckyj16 said...

oh yeah, i forgot that you're doing this blog, so i'm not much of an anime type but it looks great!

SML =) fly high =) said...

I like your essay but could you change your font's color? it hurts my eyes....
but you have nice entry though.

jove said...

I like your entry about your interest in anime. I don't watch anime, but your writing expressed a lot about it. And yes stick with one color, your colors are inconsistent. But everything else is great.

Lira said...

i like your essay..
but i don't like thos anime, blood...games~